- Samuel
- Fri 07, October 2022
The Zodiac sign is any of the Twelve “star signs” corresponding to the constellations which make up the path of the sun, moon and visible planets. This is sometimes regarded as the “Sun sign”.
Popular belief indicates that a person’s zodiac sign depicts who they are. This is false. They are calculated with formulas and not magic.
While some people identify firmly with their sign and others see it as a waste of time. If you hold on to the sign, you will become what it is presumed to be. Just kidding.
This resource is for educational and entertainment purposes only. If you find it offensive, please take heart. It is meant to jokingly joking a jokey joke.
For better understanding and easy direction, we will be grouping the signs into four categories. Which are fire, water, earth and air.
Click here to check your Zodiac Sign
The fire signs are four in total. They are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Just like fire, they need fuel. This sign is characterized by the hunger for something new. The fire signs absorb all the resources and space in the vicinity of order signs if given the chance. They rarely take offence when they are blocked, they just look for another sign to torment.
Mar 20 — April 19
Aries signs are considered to be easily bored and always in need of constant refreshment. They are strong initiators who like to complete a project on time and move on.
Aries move and think quickly. They are often athletic, competitive, and enjoy taking risks. They have a courageous spirit that often builds confidence in others. They are passionately romantic and prefer the chase to the long-time relationship.
July 23 — Aug. 22
Leo signs are warm, generous and open spirit. They build strong leadership because they are always noticed whenever they enter a room.
Leo enjoys being at the centre stage. They usually put on a regal appearance and often a dramatic personality. They possess strong pride and are considered arrogant, occasionally, as they are susceptible to flattery and easily embarrassed.
Leo has a good follow-through personality and will see a project to its conclusion. They are often artistic and creative; natural understanding of children. They are loyal and ardent lovers.
Nov. 22 — Dec. 21
Sagittarius are some worth restlessness. Just like Aries, they are bores easily and love to travel. They are often seen to be athletic and need to be outdoors exploring the spice of life, whether mental or in the body.
Sagittarius are optimistic, and often have good fortune just when it is needed the most. This makes them risk-takers. They are generally interested in theoretical and philosophical fields. The best teachers are naturally found in this Zodiac.
Sagittarius find it difficult to follow through. They tend to procrastinate. They lack commitments; prefer to seek out options.
The water Zodiac signs are three in total. They include Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. As the sign indicates, they behave like water signs. Water signs generally love the comforts of their homes and family. They have compassionate instincts and are nurturing to anything that is defective or on the losing side. Water signs have good adaptation instincts and rarely are unduly frightened by any emotion they encounter.
Air and Water signs are often mutually attracted. Air signs need support when encountering deep feelings and memories. Water signs, on the other hand, need help in the realm of logic and reason.
June 21 — July 22
The Cancer signs are attuned to emotions and feelings of self and others around them. They often alternate between introversion and extroversion. They have a strong appreciation for the earth and its natural resources as well as protective of personal security and persons who are included in the “inner circle”.
The Cancer signs are loyal and devoted lovers and parents. They are often seen to be good cooks and will work to make the living environment cosy for themselves and everyone around.
Oct. 22 — Nov. 21
Scorpio signs are deeply attuned to the emotional condition of self and others and are considered to be highly intuitive. They have the super-power to acutely tell of words or people whom they sense as false or insincere. They are outspoken, enjoy the mysterious and readily go to battle over injustice.
Scorpios are prone to personal secrecy and slow to genuine anger, but long on resentment, once they are offended. Scorpios are attracted to the healing arts and spiritual pursuits or may opt for a financial management career.
Feb. 18 — Mar. 19
Pisces are intuitive, imaginative, emotional, artistic or musically inclined. They flow easily between the
realms of the conscious and unconscious mind. And they dream life vivid and informative. They are considered to be naturally mystical. They have a deep need to remain connected to spiritual life, though often not attached to traditional forms of worship.
Pisces are known to be compassionate and strongly affected by colour and the emotional environment. They are adaptable, flexible, and creative in all.