10 mistakes you should avoid to be a better you


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Your life is lived by you. No one will help you to live this life, but you. Some people tend to regret their actions in the past that may have been avoided. In most cases, they would have wished that ‘Control Z’ could be possible.

Some things can be avoided. It is built over time. Here are 10 things to avoid to be a better you.

1. Don’t just wish and let it go.

Wishing is a waste of time. Things that you can’t handle should not bother you. Instead, try to work towards what you’d have wished for.

2. Don’t overweigh yourself

Do not take responsibility for something that you cannot handle. When someone asks you to do something and you feel you can’t, do not make promises. Just let them know that you can’t be able to do it.

3. Don’t hide your love.

Always appreciate people that have helped you become you. Cherish your parents, friends, teachers and everyone who has helped you in one way or the other.

4. Don’t hold on to grudges or bitter feelings.

If you can’t forgive someone, it will keep on haunting you. Try to get rid of any ill feelings you have towards anyone.

5. Don’t ignore your intuition.

God has placed a feeling in our hearts and we should never ignore this. When you have a feeling about someone or something, pray to God and listen carefully.

6. Do not live regretting what you’ve done.

We all have lived and have regrets. We wish we can go back in time to make amends. Let it go. Focus on what’s coming and not what’s gone.

7. Don’t stop moving forward.

Where you are now is not where you are supposed to be. Don’t get stuck in your current position. Learn to develop yourself. You should acquire new skills and knowledge. You can do better than 100%.

8. Don’t give up your individuality.

We all are unique in our way. No one is perfect. The fact that someone is good in sports doesn’t mean they are better than you. The ability to embrace your imperfections makes you better than the other person.

9. Don’t expect a return always.

When you do good, do not expect a return. Don’t be a hypocrite. When you give a hand to someone, expect nothing in return. You don’t borrow someone a favour, you give in all, in total.

10. Don’t ignore others and their thoughts.

Always listen carefully. There is a clear difference between listening and hearing. You hear sounds, you listen to instructions and conversation. A good listener will do well in life. If you don’t understand what the other person is saying, don’t just smile it away, but ask for clarification.

So, those are the 10 mistakes you should not make as you grow. You are not a failure if you fail in any of these. Norms and customs are built over time.

Feel free to add or drop your suggestions in the comment box. You are blessed!

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