- olusola Butler
- Wed 26, April 2023
Culture, customs, and norms are generally considered the most influential factors that shape an individual. In summary, the upbringing of an individual is another factor that can determine his or her future. Sometimes, these influences are generally good. Even a wicked father will give fish to his son instead of a snake.
One major factor that can determine how successful a person will turn out is their immediate environment. Being born into an environment doesn’t mean you must live within that environment all the days of your life.
The term environment in this article refers to the physical environment as well as the caliber of people one is associated with. This article provides a useful reminder of the importance of being mindful of one’s environment and the people they surround themselves with.
I like to take garri and groundnut from time to time. When I was in the west, I would have this concession at least thrice a week. When I relocated to Abuja, I rarely had it. A sip I took a long time ago almost made me spit out my gut. It was rarely sour, contained a lot of sand, and smelled funny. To my surprise, people drank this with excitement.
I later realized that it had become a norm for them because of their environment. What is given to livestock in one part of the country is eaten by people in another. I understood that it was bad for me because I had lived in a different environment before.
Have you ever wondered why a poor man will spend all his hard-earned money to send one of his children to the best school around? Or why someone will spend over 300k yearly to live in the remote part of an estate or gated area among the elites? They are breaking free from the norms.
Look at the people who surround you. Does this community have value? Does it guarantee your safety, sense of belonging, healthy social influence, and access to opportunities? If the answer to these questions is “no,” you need to break free.
While one environment showcases success in the light of material accomplishments such as flashy cars, houses, jewelry, and other embellishments among others; the other tells the success story from a humble beginning for others to learn and follow suit. While one environment promotes get-rich-quick schemes and gambling, the other educates you on the boring financial terms such as investment and savings. As one environment focuses on how difficult it will be, the other offers lectures on why failure is a part of life.
A freshwater catfish with exceptional swimming skills will not last five minutes in the sea. Lions don’t surround themselves with hyenas. You are the same as the people you surround yourself with.
That was helpful
Awesome piece
Thank you for the information
Nice article. I learnt something
This is informative!
I just learnt something new.
Garri is so underrated, but i don’t mean they should increase the price
A nice writeup
This you for this writeup
Very nice article I love it an am going to share it to my friends
It educative
Wow i enjoy reading this
This is an eye opener,adapt to this and many things will be easily solved especially in western part of nigeria,thank you.
Great ✅
Really an interesting one
Nice work
Nice piece