- olusola Butler
- Sun 09, October 2022
In a group discussion, there is always this person that really seems to stand out when he or she speaks. Be that person! Put a mystery in your words. Learn idioms and collocations that will make you stand out when you speak in a group.
Here are over 200 idioms and collocations and their meanings that will make you stand out when you speak in a group.
1. | A ball and chain | A burden |
2. | A bitter pill to swallow | A state of distress |
3. | A far cry for | A long distance |
4. | A French leave | Absence without permission |
5. | A man of steel | Strong person |
6. | A slap on the face | An unexpected rejection |
7. | A thorn in the flesh | The course of annoyance or trouble |
8. | A turning point | A time at which a decisive change in a situation occurs |
9. | A twinkle of an eye | Happened extremely quickly |
10. | Action speaks louder than words | A person’s action show their real attitudes, rather than what they say |
11. | Add fuel to fire | To worsen a situation |
12. | Aid and abet | To help someone to commit a crime |
13. | All in all | On the whole, Everything |
14. | All or nothing |
Having no compromise available
15. | Along with | In company with or at the same time as |
16. | Alpha and omega | Everything, Beginning and the end |
17. | An eye for an eye | The principle of reciprocal justice measure for measure |
18. | Anti-clockwise | In the opposite direction |
19. | As far back as | Looking into the remote past |
20. | As white as snow | White; Perfect or completely uncorrupted and honest |
21. | Ask for it | Behave in a way that is likely to result in difficulty for oneself |
22. | At knife edge | A tense or uncertain situation |
23. | At long last | In the end; after much delay |
24. | Back off | Draw back from action |
25. | Back the wrong horse | To make a wrong or inappropriate choice |
26. | Back up | Provide support for someone or something |
27. | Backward and forward | Constantly changing the mind; Without direction |
28. | Badly off | At a disadvantage |
29. | Bag and baggage | With all one’s belongings |
30. | Bag of bones | An emaciated person or animal |
31. | Bark worse than bite | Hostile than they really are |
32. | Batten down the hatches | Prepare for a difficulty or crisis situation |
33. | Be in lime light | At the center of public attention |
34. | Be strong | Do not be frightened |
35. | Be under arms | Provided with weapons and willing to fight |
36. | Beat about the bush | Discuss a matter without coming to the point |
37. | Beat the time | To finish something very quickly |
38. | Behind bars | In prison |
39. | Bell the cat | To take the danger of a shared enterprise upon oneself |
40. | Below the belt | Disregarding the rules; unfair |
41. | Between life and death | Very sick or near to dying |
42. | Beyond joke | It has stopped being funny and is now a serious matter |
43. | Bite off more than you can chew | To take on a commitment one cannot fulfil |
44. | Bite the hand that feed you | To act badly toward the person who is helping or has helped you |
45. | Born and bred | By birth and upbringing |
46 | Born with a silver spoon in your mouth | To be born into a wealthy family of high social standing |
47. | Breach of contract | An act of breaking the terms set out in a contract |
48. | Cat and dog | Contrary to experience or belief |
49. | Climbing heaps upon heaps | A position of total or complete superiority |
50. | Cloud good judgement | To cause someone to be unable to think clearly |
51. | Come to think of it | on reflection |
52. | Crying shame | A situation that makes one feel sad or disappointed |
53. | Cup of tea | Something that someone likes or is good at |
54. | Cut down | A decrease or reduction |
55. | Cut the long story short | To state the final result of an event and not give any more details |
56. | Dance to the music | To allow oneself to be controlled by another person |
57. | Dawn of a new day | A new beginning; a fresh start |
58. | Digging the wrong hole | To get yourself into a difficult situation |
59. | Do or die | Showing or requiring a determination not to compromise |
60. | Do yourself proud | To do something well |
61. | Dormant worker | Inactive but still a part of the team |
62 | Dust your shoe | To make a clean break with a relationship or situation; run away |
63. | Each passing day | Changing continuously |
64. | Elaborate party | Planned or executed with care and exactness |
65. | End of days | End of existence; Judgement day |
66. | Fair weather friend | A person who stops being a friend in times of difficulty |
67. | Fall upon your face | Make a blunder or error of judgment |
68. | Float or walk on air | Feeling very happy |
69. | Forget that | Telling someone that their idea or aspiration is impracticable |
70. | Found us out | To discover facts about someone or something |
71. | Free-for-all | A disorganized or unrestricted situation or event in which everyone may take part |
72. | From frying pan to fire | From a bad or difficult situation to one that is worse |
73. | Get beyond joke | Something that is becoming serious or worrying |
74. | Get off to a flying start | To have a very successful beginning |
75. | Get rid of | Take action so as to be free of |
76. | Get the ball rolling | To set an activity in motion; make a start. |
77. | Give a flying visit | A very short visit |
78. | Give up the ghost | To die |
79. | Go astray | To go away from the correct path or direction |
80. | Go down the lane | Further away from the start |
81. | Go far enough | To be successful; achieve much |
82. | Great minds | Very intelligent people |
83. | Hale and healthy | Being strong and in good health |
84. | Half the bottle | No complete |
85. | Alma mater | A school, college or university that one formerly attended |
86. | Hands were full | To be very busy |
87. | Have a long way to go | To have much progress to make before accomplishing a goal |
88. | Have green eyes | To be jealous; envious |
89. | Hidden agenda | A secret or ulterior motive for something |
90. | Hit the nail on the head | Find exactly the right answer |
91. | Hitherto free | Up to this time; until now |
92. | Hold firm | To refuse to change what one has been doing or believing |
93. | Hold up the eyebrows | to express surprise or disbelief |
94. | Hustle and bustle | a busy and noisy atmosphere |
95. | I rest my case | I have presented all the evidence and I consider the matter settled |
96. | I thought as much | I suspected as much |
97. | In a fool’s paradise | in a state of false or mistaken happiness or security |
98. | In soup | in trouble or difficulty |
99. | In the neighbourhood of | approximately or around |
100. | In your own backyard | close to home or familiar territory |
101. | Jack of all trade | a person who is skilled at many different things |
102. | Jungle justice | rough or summary justice, often administered by a mob or informal group |
103. | Keep something at bay | to keep something away or prevent it from approaching |
104. | Keep the body and soul | to maintain one’s health or well-being |
105. | Kick the bucket | To die |
106. | King’s meat | food fit for a king or of the highest quality |
107. | Kiss the dust | To be humbled or defeated |
108. | Latter day | Sometime in the future |
109. | Lay down your arms | To give up fighting or resistance |
110. | Lay something aside | To set something aside for future use |
111. | Lay something bare | To reveal or expose something |
112. | Lead to the alter | To marry someone |
113. | Left-handed compliment | a compliment that is intended to be insulting or sarcastic |
114. | Let bygone be bygone | To forgive and forget |
115. | Let’s call it a day | To stop a session of a meeting |
116. | Live on borrowed rope | live precariously or in a risky situation |
117. | Long-time no see | a way of saying that it has been a long time since the speaker last saw the person they are speaking to |
118. | Luke-warm | not enthusiastic or passionate |
119. | Make amend | To make things right or correct a mistake |
120. | Make hay while the sunshine | To take advantage of a good opportunity while it is available |
121. | Make in-road into | to make progress or gain ground in something |
122. | Man-eater | someone who is dangerous or aggressive |
123. | Middle belt | a region or area that is located in the middle of something else |
124. | Much ado about nothing | a situation where there is a lot of fuss or commotion over something that is not important or significant |
125. | Next episode | a future event or situation that will follow the current one |
126. | No stone at the turn | to leave no stone unturned, meaning to do |
127. | Not easy to come about | everything possible to achieve something |
128. | Not-with-standing | despite something; in spite of |
129. | Once in a blue moon | very rarely or almost never |
130. | One thing lead to another | one event or situation caused another to happen |
131. | Out Herod Herod/ out Zola Zola | to outdo someone in cruelty or viciousness |
132. | Part and parcel | an essential or integral part of something |
133. | Pass me by | to ignore or overlook someone or something |
134. | Path of righteousness | a course of action that is morally correct or virtuous |
135. | Persistent demand | a demand that continues or persists over time |
136. | Ponder on it | To think carefully or deeply about something |
137. | Precious life blood | something that is essential or vital to life or well-being |
138. | Pretty quick | Done quickly, very soon or shortly |
139. | Pretty soon | soon or in the near future |
140. | Prove wrong | to show that something is false or incorrect |
141. | Pull your legs | to deceive or trick someone |
142. | Push to the wall | to put someone in a difficult or impossible situation |
143. | Put on the same trousers | to have the same or similar beliefs or attitudes as someone else |
144. | Put your thinking cap on | to start thinking or using your mind |
145. | Raise a white flag | to signal surrender or give up |
146. | Read my lips | pay attention to what I am saying |
147. | Red letter day | an important or memorable day |
148. | Ring a bell | to be familiar or remind someone of something |
149. | Root of the matter | the fundamental or underlying cause of something |
150. | Round the circle | to go through a series of events or actions in a circular manner |
151. | Rule with iron hand | to rule or govern with strict control or authority |
152. | Run amok | to behave in a violent or reckless manner |
153. | Run to and fro | to move back and forth quickly or repeatedly |
154. | Seed of evildoers | a source of evil or wrongdoing |
155. | Set goals and target | to establish goals and objectives to be achieved |
156. | Shed crocodile tears | to pretend to be sad or remorseful |
157. | Show red eyes | to show anger or resentment |
158. | Show white feather | to show cowardice or weakness |
159. | Shut eyes | to ignore or overlook something |
160. | Sit on the fence | to remain neutral or uncommitted in a situation |
161. | Smell a rat | to suspect that something is wrong or dishonest |
162. | Smell pepper | to suspect that something is dangerous or risky |
163. | So far so good | so far, things are going well |
164. | Stand in awe of somebody or something | to be in awe of someone or something |
165. | Stay or remain aloof | to remain distant or detached from others |
166. | Step on my toes | to offend or upset someone |
167. | Stone headed | Stubborn or obstinate |
168. | Strike back against somebody | to take action in response to being |
169. | Strike fears into somebody’s heart | attacked or harmed by someone |
170. | Super-man | to instill fear or terror in someone |
171. | Sweep off my feet | a person who is exceptionally strong, fast, or intelligent |
172. | Take aim at | to overwhelm or impress someone |
173. | Take heart | to target or aim for something |
174. | Take on | to be encouraged or reassured |
175. | Take to one’s heels | to run away |
176. | Temper justice with mercy | to balance justice with mercy or compassion |
177. | The apple of somebody’s eyes | someone or something that is greatly loved or valued |
178. | The balance of evidence or probability | the weight or preponderance of evidence or probability on one side or the other |
179. | The ball in your court | it is up to you to make the next move or decision |
180. | The battle lines are drawn | the opposing sides or parties are clearly defined and ready to engage |
181. | The cart before the horse | to do things in the wrong order or sequence |
182. | The core of our existence | the fundamental or essential part of something |
183. | The devil and the deep blue sea | two equally difficult or undesirable alternatives |
184. | The life of water and fire | a difficult or challenging life |
185. | The lost pride | pride that has been lost or damaged |
186. | The stuff you are made of | the qualities or characteristics that define you as a person |
187. | The top most | the highest or most important |
188. | The white elephant | something that is expensive and difficult to maintain, but not very useful |
189. | There you are | an expression of surprise or satisfaction |
190. | Think straight | to think clearly or logically |
191. | Think twice | to consider something carefully before making a decision |
192. | Timeless sunset | a sunset that is beautiful and eternal |
193. | To beard the lion in its den | to confront someone or something in their own territory |
194. | To build castle in the air | to have unrealistic or impractical ideas or plans |
195. | To little or no avail | without success or effect |
196. | To rain down curses | to curse or swear at someone or something repeatedly |
197. | To walk extra miles | to go above and beyond what is required |
198. | Toil all day | to work hard or laboriously |
199. | Tooth for tooth | to exact the same punishment or retaliation as was inflicted |
200. | Turn a new leaf | to change one’s behavior or attitude for the better |
201. | Turn back the hand of time | to reverse or undo something that has happened |
202. | Turning back | returning to a previous state or condition |
203. | Under your mother’s apron | sheltered or protected from the outside world |
204. | Unspeakable horrors | terrible or horrific things that cannot be described |
205. | Up in the air/wind | uncertain or unresolved |
206. | Wait a minute | stop or pause for a moment |
207. | When the balloon goes up | when something significant or important happens |
208. | With open hands | willingly or eagerly |
209. | With your bare hands | without any tools or weapons |
210. | Work round the clock | to work continuously or without stopping |