List of Uncommon Verbs to Enhance Your Speech


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Verbs are an essential part of language, and mastering them can significantly improve your spoken and written communication skills. Verbs describe actions, states, or events, and they are an important part of expressing yourself clearly and concisely.

Whether you’re looking to improve your English skills, learn a new language, or simply expand your vocabulary, understanding and using verbs effectively can greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively and express yourself creatively. From common verbs like “speak” and “write” to more uncommon ones like “abscond” and “cosset,” there is a wide range of verbs to explore and master. So dive in and start expanding your verb knowledge today!

Here is a list of uncommon verbs with their pronunciations, definitions, and examples in a sentence.

1. Abjure – /əbˈJO͝Or/

Definition: to formally and publicly say that you no longer believe in or support something

Example: He abjured his faith in the face of persecution.

2. Cajole – /kəˈJȮL/

Definition: to try to persuade someone by being very nice or by saying things that are not true

Example: She cajoled him into lending her money.

3. Decry – /dəˈkrī/

Definition: to express strong disapproval of something or someone

Example: He decried the government’s corruption.

4. Fawn – /fôn/

Definition: to show too much affection or attention to someone in a way that is not sincere

Example: She fawned over the celebrity.

5. Inveigle – /inˈvāɡl/

Definition: to persuade someone to do something by being very nice to them or by saying things that are not true

Example: He inveigled her into going on a date.

6. Knavery – /ˈnāv(ə)rē/

Definition: behaviour that is not honest or sincere

Example: He was accused of knavery.

7. Lambaste – /lamˈbast/

Definition: to criticize someone or something severely

Example: The coach lambasted the team for their poor performance.

8. Pall – /pôl/

Definition: to lose vitality or become less interesting

Example: The party began to pall after midnight.

9. Recant – /rəˈkant/

Definition: to publicly say that you no longer believe in or support something that you previously said or believed

Example: He recanted his earlier statements.

10. Skulk – /skəlk/

Definition: to move or behave in a way that is secretive or sneaky

Example: He skulked in the shadows.

11. Tarry – /ˈterē/

Definition: to delay or be slow in starting or doing something

Example: He tarried too long and missed his flight.

12. Umbrage – /ˈəmbrij/

Definition: a feeling of anger or annoyance caused by something that offends or insults you

Example: She took umbrage at his rude remark.

13. Vitiate – /ˈviSHēˌāt/

Definition: to weaken or make something less effective

Example: The scandalous accusations served to vitiate his reputation.

14. Wend – /wend/

Definition: to go or travel in a particular direction

Example: He wended his way through the crowded streets.

15. Cavil – /ˈkavil/

Definition: to raise objections or complaints that are not important or serious

Example: He cavilled about the minor details.

16. Fastidious – /fəˈstidēəs/

Definition: very careful and thorough about small details and cleanliness

Example: She is fastidious about her appearance.

17. Maelstrom – /ˈmālsträm/

Definition: a situation or event that is very chaotic and causes a lot of destruction

Example: The hurricane was a maelstrom of wind and rain.

18. Quaff – /kwäf/

Definition: to drink a lot of something very quickly

Example: He quaffed a beer in one gulp.

19. Abnegate – /ˈabnəˌɡāt/

Definition: to give up or reject something that you have a right to

Example: She abnegated her claim to the inheritance.

20. Deliquesce – /diˈliˌkwes/

Definition: to become liquid, especially by absorbing moisture from the air

Example: The salt deliquesced in the humid air.

21. Inculcate – /inˈkəlkāt/

Definition: to teach or impress something on someone’s mind through repeated urging or instruction

Example: The teacher tried to inculcate good study habits in the students.

22. Lugubrious – /l(y)o͞oˈgro͞oBreeəs/

Definition: excessively or affectedly sad

Example: The lugubrious music suited the funeral.

23. Adumbrate – /ˈadəmbrāt/

Definition: to describe or suggest something in a way that is not very clear or detailed

Example: The artist adumbrated the scene in broad strokes.

24. Belittle – /bəˈlitl/

Definition: to speak of or treat someone or something as if they are not important

Example: She belittled his accomplishments.

25. Chicanery – /SHiˈkan(ə)rē/ 

Definition: behaviour that is meant to deceive or trick someone

Example: He was accused of chicanery.

26. Dissemble – /diˈsembl/

Definition: to hide or disguise one’s true thoughts, feelings, or character

Example: He dissembled his feelings about the situation.

27. Enjoin – /inˈjȯin/

Definition: to order or forbid something by using authority

Example: The court enjoined the company from polluting the river.

28. Foment – /fōˈment/

Definition: to cause or try to cause (something, such as trouble or rebellion) to happen or increase

Example: The opposition party tried to foment unrest among the people.

29. Gregarious – /greˈɡârēəs/  

Definition: liking to be with and talk to other people

Example: He is a gregarious person.

30. Hector – /ˈhektər

Definition: to behave in a threatening way towards someone to make them do what you want

Example: He is hectoring her into submission.

31. Ingratiate – /inˈɡrāSHēˌāt

Definition: to try to make someone like you by being very nice to them or doing things for them

Example: She tried to ingratiate herself with the boss.

32. Jettison – /ˈjetisn/  

Definition: to throw something away, especially to make something else lighter or easier to manage

Example: The ship jettisoned its cargo to stay afloat.

33. Lassitude – /ˈlas(h)it(y)o͞od/  

Definition: a state of feeling tired or lacking energy or enthusiasm

Example: The long hike left him with a feeling of lassitude.

34. Surreptitiously – /səˈrepCHo͞oəsli

Definition: in a way that is meant to be kept secret or hidden

Example: He surreptitiously took the money.

35. Transfigure – /transˈfiɡyər/  

Definition: to change the appearance or form of something in a way that makes it more beautiful or spiritual

Example: The sunset transfigured the sky.

36. Upbraid – /ˌəpˈbrād

Definition: to criticize or scold someone severely

Example: She upbraided him for his recklessness.

37. Abscond – /abˈskänd/ 

Definition: to leave secretly and go into hiding, especially to avoid being caught or punished

Example: The thief absconded with the jewels.

38. Cosset – /ˈkäsit/ 

Definition: to treat someone with too much care and attention, often in a way that is not good for them

Example: She cosseted her pet.

39. Dandle – /ˈdan(d)l/

Definition: to hold a baby on one’s lap and move gently up and down

Example: She dandled the child on her knee.

40. Fustigate – /ˈfəstiˌɡāt/

Definition: to criticize or scold someone severely

Example: He fustigated her for her carelessness.

41. Cauterize – /ˈkôd(ə)rīz/  

Definition: to burn or sear a wound or body tissue using a hot iron or caustic substance to stop bleeding or to kill bacteria or tissue

Example: The doctor cauterized the wound.

42. Desuetude – /diˈswēt(y)o͞od/  

Definition: a state of not being used or not being active

Example: The old bridge fell into desuetude.

43. Ebullience – /iˈbo͞olēəns/  

Definition: the state of being lively and full of energy

Example: She greeted him with ebullience.

44. Fey – /fā/  

Definition: having qualities that are strange and unsettling, as if not from this world

Example: She had a fey quality about her.

45. Fulminate – /ˈfəlməˌnāt/

Definition: to attack someone or something strongly with words

Example: He fulminated against injustice.

46. Harangue – /həˈranɡ/  

Definition: a long, angry speech

Example: He delivered a harangue against the government.

47. Jape – /jāp/  

Definition: to say something that is meant to be funny or amusing

Example: He japed about the weather.

48. Masticate – /ˈmastəˌkāt/  

Definition: to chew food

Example: She masticated the food slowly.

49. Noisome – /ˈnois(ə)m/  

Definition: harmful or offensive, especially to the sense of smell

Example: The noisome fumes made her sick.

50. Onomatopoeia – /ˌänōˌmätōˈpē(ə)ə/  

Definition: the use of words that sound like the thing they are describing

Example: The word “meow” is onomatopoeia for the sound a cat makes.

51. Parley – /ˈpärlē/   

Definition: a conference or discussion, especially between people who are in a disagreement or conflict

Example: The two sides agreed to a parley.

52. Perdition – /pərˈdiSH(ə)n/  

Definition: a state of being punished forever in a very unpleasant place after death

Example: He believed he was headed for perdition.

53. Peruse – /pərˈyo͞oz/

Definition: to read or examine something very carefully

Example: She perused the menu.

54. Prate – /prāt/

Definition: to talk too much and without saying anything important

Example: He prated on about his problems.

55. Prevaricate – /priˈvarəˌkāt/   

Definition: to avoid telling the truth or to make someone believe something that is not true

Example: She prevaricated about her whereabouts.

56. Rapacious – /rəˈpāSHəs/  

Definition: having a strong desire for wealth or possessions and being willing to get them by any means, especially by taking advantage of others

Example: He was accused of being rapacious.

57. Recondite – /riˈkändīt/  

Definition: not well known or understood, especially because it is very difficult or technical

Example: The topic was too recondite for her.

58. Redolent – /ˈred(ə)l(ə)nt/  

Definition: having a strong, pleasant smell

Example: The room was redolent of flowers.

59. Repine – /riˈpīn/  

Definition: to feel or express a lack of satisfaction or happiness

Example: She repined at her situation.

60. Sinecure – /ˈsin(i)kyo͝or/  

Definition: a job that does not require much work but provides an income

Example: The position was a sinecure.

61. Slake – /slāk/  

Definition: to satisfy a feeling of thirst

Example: He slaked his thirst with water.

62. Spurn – /spərn/  

Definition: to reject someone or something with strong dislike or contempt

Example: She spurned his advances.

63. Stalwart – /ˈstôlwərt/  

Definition: firmly loyal and reliable

Example: He was a stalwart supporter.

64. Stymie – /ˈstīmē/  

Definition: to make it difficult or impossible for someone or something to succeed or make progress

Example: The weather stymied their plans.

65. Surcease – /sərsēs/  

Definition: to bring something to an end

Example: The rain surceased.

66. Swathe – /swāTH/  

Definition: to wrap or cover something completely

Example: The bandages swathed his wound.

67. Tautological – /ˌtôd(ə)lˈäjik(ə)l/  

Definition: repeating the same idea in different words, often in a way that is not necessary

Example: His argument was tautological.

68. Tenebrous – /ˈten(ə)brəs/  

Definition: dark or not easy to see or understand

Example: The room was tenebrous.

69. Tenuous – /ˈten(y)o͞oəs/  

Definition: having little substance or strength; not firm or strong

Example: The evidence was tenuous.

70. Tipple – /ˈtipl/  

Definition: to drink alcohol often, especially in a way that is not controlled

Example: He liked to tipple on the weekends.

71. Torpid – /ˈtôrpəd/  

Definition: slow or inactive; not lively or energetic

Example: The snake was torpid.

72. Tourniquet – /tôrˈnikit/

Definition: a device used to stop the flow of blood from a wound by pressing on a blood vessel

Example: He applied a tourniquet to the wound.

73. Trammel – /ˈtram(ə)l/  

Definition: to prevent someone or something from moving or acting freely

Example: The rules trammelled his creativity.

74. Trope – /trōp/  

Definition: a way of using a word or expression that is different from its usual meaning, to create a special effect or to suggest something

Example: The phrase “the writing is on the wall” is a trope.

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