Why I Get Up at 4:30 AM Everyday and Why You Should Too


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Before now, I tend to sleep very late for no good reason. I loved seeing movies. Sometimes, I would sleep around Midnight or even around 2 AM to keep up with the series.

As soon as my perception of time management changed, I started sleeping earlier– around 10 or 11 PM– and waking up before 5 AM. These changes have helped me to a great extent. I can achieve more.

In this article, I will be sharing my journey on how I started waking up early and the impact on my life. In addition, I will be discussing why you should follow suit.

How it Started

While I was in university, I would sleep very late. Trying to study, write articles, do sketches, play games or watch movies. I would realise that the activities at these moments were not productive. I was spending a large amount of time on entertainment activities with little or no results.

Then, I realised that I was more productive in the morning. But my willpower will be already down at the time of the day.

I love to learn. This naturally led me to read a book on time management and it changed the course of my life.

I realised that “the morning” is the time for purification. In other words, an hour in the morning is more productive than 3 hours in the evening or night. I did simple maths and cut out 3 to 5 hours of the night and add it up to the morning. This solved everything.

At first, it was a tale by the moonlight. It was hard. But as time goes by and I included routine workouts, it became very casual. It took me about a month to adjust to this routine.

This routine should include weekends. Once I excepted the weekends, it became difficult to adjust to weekdays.

How it Has Helped Me

Waking up as early as 4 AM has become a part of me. I have been glued to this tradition for over 5 years now.

The major benefit of waking up early is the huge pile of willpower I had at the beginning of the day. The zeal to work is always there when I wake up in the morning.

A second benefit is freedom from distractions. At this hour of the day, I get no calls, no notifications, no friends distractions etc. It is quiet and calm for me to focus on whatsoever I was engaged with.

Another benefit is that your day ends earlier than most other people. Once I start tidying up from 5 AM, I would be done with the day’s work by 3 or 4 PM and have enough time for some other activities.

Waking up early has made it possible for me to build on my writing skills, learn a few musical instruments, and general improvements in my life.

You too can start this ritual. The benefits of waking up early are underrated. When you choose to wake up early, you have total control of the day. Your mind, body and soul will be aligned with nature.

5 responses to “Why I Get Up at 4:30 AM Everyday and Why You Should Too”

  1. As a house wife and a mother sleeping early around 10pm and waking up 4:30amhas been a great help to me,i can finish all my morning prayers in time,and also do all my chores before my children get up and went to school,and i am always light headed without any stress or getting sleepy at day time.
    Whenever i stayed wake late i cant even fall a sleep,in day times i get headache and will not do my chores properly and i easily lose my temper.
    Thanks for this its really important

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