- Emeka
- Fri 07, October 2022
When we speak, it should hold volume and commands. People are easily amused by simple and short sentences. Do you want to speak so that your listeners hunger for more? Speak less and direct.
This is continuation of the older post on “Single word for phrase or sentences”. Here are some single words you can use to save yourself the time to compose a sentence.
The table below include single words for phrases and sentences pertaining to marriage
1. | Monogamist | One who has only one wife or husband at a time |
2. | Bigamist | One who marries a second wife or husband while the legal spouse is still alive |
3. | Polygamist | One who has more than one wife or husband at a time |
4. | Divorce | Legal dissolution of the marriage of husband and wife |
5. | Widower | A man whose wife is dead |
6. | Widow | A woman whose husband is dead |
7. | Orphan | A child whose parents are dead |
8 | Bride price | The sum of money or property which a husband brings to his wife on marriage |
9. | Dowry | The sum of money or property which a wife brings to her husband on marriage |
10. | Fiancé | A man engaged to be married, A person engaged to be married |
11. | Fiancée | A woman who is engaged to be married |
12. | Betrothed | Engaged to be married |
13. | Elope | Proclamation of intended marriage |
14. | Banns | To run away with a lover in order to get married secretly |
15. | Bachelor | A man who is regarded as able to marry, but has not yet |
16. | Spinster | A woman who is regarded as able to marry, but has not yet |
The table below include single words for phrases and sentences pertaining to death.
1. | Corpse | The dead body of human being |
2. | Carcass | The dead body of a beast |
3. | Mortuary | A place where dead body are temporarily placed before burial |
4. | Embalm | To preserve a dead body from decaying |
5. | Exhume | To dig up a corpse |
6. | Bier | A frame on which a dead body is conveyed |
7. | Cemetery | A place where dead bodies are interred |
8. | Post-mortem, Autopsy | An examination of a dead body |
9. | Morgue | A place where the bodies of persons found dead are placed for identification |
10. | Obituary | An account in a poster or newspaper of the funeral of one deceased |
11. | Suicide | The act of killing oneself |
12. | Murder | Unlawful killing of another human being on purpose |
13. | Infanticide | Murder of a new-born child |
14. | Resurrections | Rising from the dead |
15. | Electrocuted | To be killed by electricity |
The table below shows single words for phrases and sentences pertaining to scientific instruments
1. | Thermometre | An instrument used for measuring heat or cold |
2. | Barometre | An instrument for measuring the pressure of the air |
3. | Microscope | An instrument for making very small objects appear large |
4. | Telescope | An instrument for seeing distant objects |
5. | Telephone | An instrument for transmitting voice to a distance |
6. | Microphone | An instrument for increasing the volume of the voice |
7. | Camera | An instrument for taking photographs |
8. | Speedometre | An instrument for measuring the speed of a vehicle |
9. | Ammeter | An instrument for measuring electric current |
10. | Binoculars | An instrument that enables a person to see distant objects |