Sounds made by Animals and Objects

  • Emeka
  • Thu 06, October 2022

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You can figure out the sound made by animals and object, but can sometime be hard to tell a friend what sound it is making. Here are some sounds made by some animals and objects.

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Sounds Made by Animals

The table below shows animals and the sounds they make.

1. Dogs Howl, growl, snarl, bark
2. Sheep Bleat
3. Cats Mew, purr
4. Cows Moo, low
5. Pigs Grunt, squeal
6. Horses Neigh, whinny
7. Bulls Bellow
8. Frogs Croak
9. Hens Cluck, cackle, chuckle
10. Duck Quack
11. Crickets Chirp
12 Wolves Howl
13 Hyena Laugh, scream
14 Snakes Hiss
15 Bees Buzz
16 Rabbits Squeal
17 Doves Coo
18 Mice Squeak
19 Elephants Trumpet
20 Lions Roar
21 Monkeys Chant
22 Turkeys Gobble
23 Owls Hoot
24 Eagle Scream
25 Donkeys Bray

Sounds Made by Objects

Here are some way you can relate to sounds made by objects.

1. Aeroplane Zooming of aeroplane
2. Bell Clang, jingle, tinkling, chiming, ring, pealing
3. Clock Ticking of clock
4. Coins Tinkling, clicking of coins
5. Fire Cracking of fire, wood or dry leaves
6. Brakes Screeching, grinding of brakes
7. Telephone Buzzing of telephone
8. Leaves Rustling of leaves
9. Thunder Roaring, rolling, rumble of thunder
10. Wind Howling of wind
11. Rain Pattering of rain
12. Whip Crack of a whip
13. Feet Shuffling of feet
14. Horn Tooting of horn
15. Paper Crinkle of paper
16. Gun Booming of a gun
17. Explosion Blast of an explosion
18. Engine Purr of engine
19. Train Rumble of train
20. Whistle Shriek of a whistle

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