List of Single Words for Phrases or Sentences

  • Emeka
  • Thu 06, October 2022

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Are you finding it hard to say a word for a thing, place or situation but couldn’t get the word out? Read up this list of single words for phrases or sentences to help you out.

Speaking good English language is far beyond the “Grammar”. It is about the way you compose simple words. Learn something new today and grow.

Here are some single words that you can use in place of a phrase or a sentence.

Group of Things

Single word for a group of things.

1. Flock A number of sheep
2. Catch, Haul A number of fish taken in a net
3. Flight A number of birds, bees or insects moving together
4. Brood A number of chickens hatched at the same time
5. Litter A number of young pigs, dogs, cats brought forth at one birth
6. Poultry A collection of fowls, ducks
7. Congregation A number of people in a church service
8. Audience A number of people listening on a concert or lecture
9. Spectators A number of people looking on a football match
10. Crowd A number of people collected together in a street
11. Choir A number of singers in a church or group
12. Cortege A number of people following a funeral
13. Bevy A number of beautiful ladies
14. Army, Troop, Battalion, Regiment A number of soldiers
15. Crew A number of sailors manning a ship
16. Library A collection of books
17. Forest A large collection of trees
18. Clutch A collection of eggs
19. Suite A set of furniture, rooms
20. Batch A quantity of bread baked at the same time

Places of Things

Single word for places of things.

1. Aquarium A place where fishes are kept
2. Sty A place where pigs are kept
3. Kennel A house or shelter for dogs
4. Pen, Byre A house or shelter for cattle
5. Stable A house or shelter for horses
6. Den The home of a lion
7. Dispensary A place where medicines are compounded
8. Hospital A place for treating sick people
9. Monastery A residence for priests and monks
10. Dairy A place where milk is converted to butter and cheese
11. Bakery A place where bread and cakes are made
12. Abattoir A place where animals are slaughtered for the market
13. Brewery A factory for manufacturing beer
14. Distillery A place where spiritous liquors are produces
15. Laundry A place where clothes are washed and ironed
16. Garage A place for housing motor-cars
17. Hangar A place for housing aircrafts
18. Hotel, Inn A place where strangers or travelers may obtain lodging and refreshment
19. Restaurant A place where people may obtain food and refreshments
20. Hostel A house for the residence of students
21. Archives A place where official documents and records are kept
22. Factory A place where where things are manufactured
23. Laboratory A place where scientific experiments are conducted
24. Incinerator A place where refuse is reduced to ashes
25. Gymnasium A place where athletic exercises are performed
26 Museum A place where treasures of arts, curiosities are preserved or exhibited
27 Depot A place where goods are stored
28 Barracks A building for lodging and accommodation of soldiers
29 Mint A place where money is coined
30 Orchard A place where fruit trees are grown
31 Orphanage A place where orphans are housed
32 Mosque A place where Muslims worship
33 Reservoir A place where water is collected and stored
34 Dock A place where ships are built or repaired
35 Quay A place where ships are loaded and unloaded
36 Dormitory A sleeping room in a college or public institution
37 Kindergarten A school for infants and young children
38 Portfolio A portable bag for holding official contents such as paper, drawings
39 Creel A basket in which a fisherman puts his fish
40 Sheath, Scabbard A case in which the blade of a sword is kept

Professions and Trades

Single word denoting professions or trade.

1. Physician One who attends to sick people and prescribes medicines
2. Oculist One who attends to the diseases of the eye
3. Pharmacist One who compounds and sells drugs
4. Optician One who tests eyesight and sells spectacles
5. Surgeon One who treats diseases by performing operations
6. Dentist One who attends to the teeth
7. Chauffeur One who drives a motor-car
8 Engineer One who engages or attends to an engine
9 Captain A person in charge of a ship
10 Sculptor One who carves in stone
11 Journalist, Reporter, Correspondent One who writes for the news or newspaper
12 Architect One who plans and draws the design of a building
13 Florist One who deals with Flower
14 Drover One who deals with cattle
15 Herbalist One who deals with medicinal herbs
16 Fish monger One who deals with fish
17 Glazier One who set glass in windows, doors
18 Draper One who deals in clothes and other fabrics
19 Jockey A professional rider in horse races
20 Geologist One who studies rocks and soils
21 Pilot, Aviator One who flies and aeroplane
22 Scavenger One who search for metals in waste bins and trash sites
23 Janitor One who takes care of a building
24 Teller, Cashier One who pays out money at a bank
25 Acrobat One who performs during a gymnastic feats
26 Grazier One who pasture cattle for the market
27 Tinker One who goes from place to place mending pots
28 Potter One who makes pots with clay
29 Shoemaker, Cobbler One who mends or build shoes
30 Invigilator One who watches over students taking examination
31 Curator A person in charge of a museum
32 Librarian The person in charge of a library
33 Principal The head of a college
34 Ship wright One who builds ship
35 Auctioneer One who sells articles at public sales
36 Veterinarian One who treats animal diseases
37 Stenographer one who writes shorthand
38 Poet One who writes poetry
39 Author One who writes a publication
40 Playwright One who writes plays or movie scripts

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